Registration procedure
Interested institutes have to fill online form using below link along with their details and tentative date. Based on the availability, we will contact you back and finalise the schedule.
For more details, please contact
Mr. Ankur Joshi: +91 814 112 3755
Mixing workshop for students
We acknowledge our responsibility of imparting industry knowledge to college students, so they can relate the theory with the practical experience. For over 20 years, Hexagon engineers have delivered effective training on various topics including Machine Design, Detail Engineering, Powder Mixing etc.

What you will learn
Presentation and video based explanation of selected topics which are very fundamental in nature and useful. We’ll share our industrial expertise and case studies about powder mixing challenges.
- What is Powder Mixing?
- Powder application and industries using them
- Basic understanding of Powder related terminologies
- Various kinds of powder mixers and their introduction
- Alphie Mixer and its principle & features
- Unique application of Alphie Mixers
- Live Demo of working of Alphie Mixer
- Do It Yourself – with various kinds of powders using ALPHIE mixers (one mixer for a group of 5 students)
- Mixing Result Analysis
Followed by quiz and lunch will be provided. E-certificate shall be issued to all participants.
Who can attend?
Strictly final Year Students and their Teaching Faculty members and anyone working with powder mixing technologies can attend this workshop.
Cost of Attending Workshop
The workshop is completely Free of Cost and Hexagon does not charge anything from students / Institute. The Institute coordinator has to mail list of participants (max 25) along with name of one/two faculties attending this workshop.
Alphie Laboratory

We have built a testing facility at our premises in Gujarat, India. This 1200 sq. ft. lab where we regularly do research.