Silica sand testing for glass making


Silica sand testing for glass making

Alphie Mixer is extensively used for testing the sand received for glass making.

In the QA/test laboratory, the inward sand sample is brought to confirm its suitability. The silica sand has iron and other impurities. The main purpose of testing is to ascertain that the amount of impurities are within the specified limit or not.

Traditionally, the sand is added with binder and then mixed by shaking the jar manually for some time. Its based on personal will and power to mix it and gives subjective results.

Alphie 3D Three Dimensional Mixer is efficient to eliminate your powder mixing problem.

Our Alphie mixer is used to replace this manual mixing process. This not only helps to remove human dependency, but also ensures uniform and consistent results for every batch of testing.

Any smaller size of batch can be fitted in alphie mixer and rotated for 5 to 10 min. Pallets are then made from this mixture, which subsequently undergo X Ray Spectrometer for details element analysis.

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